Nathan starts to identify with villains instead of heroes:
I like a girl with spirit.
A terrible line for a movie villain, yet no less true in my case. Caitlin wasn't just a girl with spirit – strike a match and I could set that spirit alight. Oh God, what I'd give to see her burn with a passion that wasn't fury…
What did I have to lose?
I could lose HER.
For the second time that night, I felt hollow, as if all my organs had suddenly been sucked into a vacuum in my chest, my ribs caving in under the pressure.
Seven sentences from Nightmares of Caitlin Lockyer for My Sexy Saturday and The Nuthouse Scribblers Sexy Snippets.
Nightmares of Caitlin Lockyer is available from Amazon, Apple, Barnes and Noble, Diesel, Kobo, Sony and Smashwords.